
Walter Explains DataCore Parallel I/O

Hi, my name is Walter, and I am your virtual IT director. Today, I would like to talk to you about parallel computing and parallel I/O.

Applications are driving the enterprise. These applications and the users that count on them expect rapid response times. In a world that demands instant gratification, forcing a customer, prospect, or employee to wait for a response is the kiss of death.

Imagine a cashier line at a cinema. There are four cashier booths but only one is manned. Half an hour before movie time, long lines develop. That one lonely cashier struggles to get everyone inside before the start of the feature.

Now, imagine all four cashier stations manned. Traffic flows through without slowdown. That’s DataCore Adaptive Parallel I/O.

DataCore Parallel I/O fully leverages multicore processing for exceptional speed. The cores working in parallel effectively multiply the amount of I/O processing that can be performed locally, using far fewer servers more efficiently to reach quicker and timelier decisions.

More About Parallel I/O